SIGNS OF KOREA Publication
  • A Creative Way of Utilizing CNC Routers

    A Creative Way of Utilizing CNC Routers

    3D engraving products are usually recognized as a way to produce added values by utilizing CNC routers effectively because basically a CNC router is a machine for 3D products, not for cutting. However, this is not such a simple matter. As long as signs are not artistic pieces, supply comes only on demand, but the demand for 3D signage is still small quantity.

    Creating Value-Added Products
    It needs overall mind changes in the market, since it is difficult to say which comes first as if a chicken comes first before an egg or the other way around. Depending on perspectives there are two opinions against each other that ‘if there are demands, 3D signs are made’ or ‘if such applications and their efficiency are first shown and proved, orders will be placed from customers’.
    However, while the changes of mind in the market are necessary to generalize 3D engraved signs, it is also important to think highly of abilities of sign makers which run the machine. Creating 3D engravings by using routers is greatly different from 2D works. It needs significant understanding on software, programs and also capabilities to run machines. If a worker who can run the machine hired for business, labor cost can in no way to be negligible. It means that manufacturing 3D engravings needs more effort to create its added value than expected.

    Having A New Machine to meet Customers’ Needs
    However, in general people find changes into 3D engravings positive. Even though most of the signs on street are primarily in 2D or flat-faced still, they are gradually replaced with 3 dimensional signage. Therefore, it is expected that definitely 3D engraved signs will be common in the future. The only question is that the timing will be adjusted depending on how fast the market recognition is changed and how much the manufacturing skills are improved.
    Then, what kind of marketing tools and methods are effective in the sign industry under the circumstance of insufficient products and strong competition? Experts are underlining that it is important to provide customers with unique services by introducing new equipments that have relatively less competitors or to establish new distribution structures. CNC Routers are like an investment to meet such needs in the market.

    Unique Signage Applying 3D Engravings with Digital Printing
    However, mounting CNC Router is not the end of the story. More added values can be produced only with unique manufacturing know-hows different from others. Some companies that have already purchased CNC Routers are already coming up with unique signage applying 3D engraving with digital printing and LEDs to differentiate their services from competitors.
    In other words, they can sell their products at a higher price when they use methods of applying printed graphics on 3D engraving surface or printing directly on a board, and installing showy LEDs lightings to 3D engravings than existing products.
    In particular, as interior signs are closely related with interior materials, actually various kinds of materials can be applied. Moreover, in many cases sign making companies tend to outsource such interior signs to specialized makers. If they make those signs directly, time and cost saving effects are expected

    Lighting Selection for Increasing Visibility
    A worker from 3D engraving company says, “It is attractive to apply digital printed graphics on 3D engraved signs. Especially, if a company has a wide format digital printer, it can save time and money because the company doesn’t have to outsource painting or attaching printed materials on 3D engravings. As a result, customers are willing to buy the product even at higher costs.
    After sculpturing pictures or letters on transparent acryl and then mounted with LED lighting sources, unique signage can be achieved. Now, the number of specialized companies selling such signs has been steadily increasing. A sign maker who has recently manufactured such 3D signage says, “It was thought that sculptured and light transmitted acryl is appropriate to express future oriented feelings. Shop owners are greatly satisfied that 3D acrylic signs with LED light source exactly represent the image of ubiquitous”.

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