Rigid Substrates Emerging as a New Star of the
Sign Materials
Materials that can be used to make signs are indeed diverse. Despite
diversity and variety of sign materials, however, most signs are made out of
flexible materials, such as vinyl, sheets and flex. Among the recent trend of
multi-dimensional signs incorporating into a variety of materials and
components, the most notable are the ones that have been made of rigid plastics
Materials Determination in the Embryonic Stages Most sign
makers decide what materials they would use in the embryonic stages during the
completion of signs. Success or failure of end product may depend on materials
determined at the moment may, since only ‘certain materials’ can express
‘certain messages’. However, repetitive application of the same materials for a
sign has resulted in the clich? of sign messages and reduced its effects. More
signs on streets, nowadays, use hard plastics. Rigid plastic substrates are easy
to process and best choice to express letters and patterns with dimensions. When
used appropriately, the materials produce neat and luxurious effects,
differentiating a shop from others. They are recyclable as well. Recently,
dimensional signs have become a hot trend among big corporations. City Bank
Korea, which completed its phase of replacing the existing signs in last April,
produced the newly designed signs for 239 branches across the nation using
polycarbonate. City Bank Korea chose the material in order to differentiate its
image from the other competitive banks.
Reasons for Increasing Demands on Rigid Plastic
Materials There are several reasons for the recent emergence of hard
plastics as the new trend. First is the trend of dimensional signs. The
Municipality of Seoul announced in last June that over two stories buildings
next to four-lane roads should install dimensional signs. Such regulation has
increased the demand for dimensional signs. Another reason may be that retailers
have come to defy the corny banal flat-faced signs because dimensional signs are
suitable for expressing unique letters and patterns in dimensionality. Rigid
materials are great for enhancing this effect. Cases of covering the channel
letters with the caps of polycarbonates or acryl, or producing channel letters
using acryl, PET, or PVC panels are on a rise, and will be used in even more
applications. Another reason for the current demand for rigid materials is wide
application of flatbed printers, engraving machines and routers. HaeKwang Laser
specializing in production of small-sized P.O.P. advertisements and souvenirs
release that engraving machines and routers can deal with a variety of materials
but mostly rigid plastic materials are applied to them due to its high
capability of processing and producing a refined sign. Flatbed printers have a
great function of outputting intended messages directly onto acryl or PVC foams.
Thus, users of flatbed printers prefer rigid materials like plastics
The Future of Rigid Materials These changes that rigid
plastic materials have more widely applied in sign industry can be seen easily
in the recently increasing total production of manufacturers. Taekwang Utech, a
manufacturer of PC materials, used to produce polycarbonates for construction
materials only before, but is now introducing it for the application on outdoor
advertising as well, reflecting consistent demand for the material. ADEX
Corporation, another manufacturer of rigid materials, also reported that its
production have increased by 30% compared with last year. Mr. Jeong Bongsu, the
representative of Adex, argues: “Rigid plastics are even not new materials in
the sign industry, however the materials are getting much more attentions
nowadays as shop owners have been interested in dimensional sign systems.” And
he adds, “The demand for the materials will continue to increase steadily and
consistently in the future.” Many sign makers and material manufacturers agree
that the future of rigid plastics depends on what designs will be used, since
signs are made out of materials depicting the designed sign’s feature. Mr.,
Jeong anticipates that the more designs works using the rigid plastics materials
are applied, the more diverse the sign designs would become based on the
materials. It should also be highly consider how to apply these materials
technically and shapely on signs. All of these issues are depending on the sign
makers’ originality.