Product Category : LEDs & Display
Product Description : Digital lighting system ?Selected JINHWA series products are grouped into a lighting system, which contains lighting fixture, JINHWA series controller and power system. in a system application, lighting fixture based on the user뭩 need can be used either individually or as a group.
Animation files are transfrred as digital commands into MPU to rule over strenght and order of light so that the desired lighting effect can be demonstrated correctly to maximize the personal expression of the lighting designer.
Contact Information
Location : KOREA
Company name : JINHWA LED Inc
Contact Person : Min Woo , Hyung
Address : 3F, TaeSung B/D 1547-5, Seocho-Dong Seoul, Korea
Tel No : 82-2-2057-1458
Fax No : 82-2-2057-1459