Human POP

Product Category : Banner stand

Product Description :
HUMAN POP product we are now proud of offer is the Back-pack display system. It means that a person packs the display on his or her back and makes message exposed to a great number of people. If a person is familiar with an event or a product, he or she can provide audience with real time information with verbal communication. Therefore, The HUMAN POP product is designed for face-to-face promotion activity everywhere and the recommended size of a graphic is 500×1,200mm. Because of the fact that human packs a graphics display, it could double ad impact for promotional events and can be highly transportable for right audience. Shoulder straps and a waist belt with buckle are provided for easy wearing of the device. Regarding to the steps for installation, the first is inserting each pole into a pack-back bag, and next mounting a graphic on the each pole. Last is to carry a backpack display on your back. That is all for installation of HUMAN POP.

Contact Information

Location : KOREA

Company name : Bannerpia International

Contact Person : James Cho

Address : 366-3, Gusan-dong, Goyang Si Ilsanseo-gu Gyeonggi-Do, Korea

Tel No : +82 31 922 3700

Fax No : +82 31 922 3705

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