Product Category : Accessories & Kit
Product Description : Daesung Sign Channel is a company thatmanufactures and sells materials, tools forchannel letters. This company starts to developand sell ‘Channel Trim’ needed to put a cap on achannel letter. Aluminium bars, which isdifficult to make a channel letters, bring anunwanted loss. whereas, Channel Trim, beingeasy to work, reduces a loss because thisproduct is roll-typed and flexible.An uninflammable material is added to the productso that it is strongagainst heat and fire.0.04mm-thickness aluminiuminserts in it and channel letter can be finishedwith tacker job.
Contact Information
Location : KOREA
Company name : Daesung Sign Channel
Contact Person :
Address :
Tel No : 82 2 514 4362
Fax No : 82 2 514 4364